Senin, 30 Desember 2013


I don't have any time to those who treat me good while killing me slowly.

Senin, 09 Desember 2013

Penat. bener bener penat.

A little shit

Terlalu stres sama tugas praktik mata kuliah Promosi Kesehatan. Kita disuruh ngelaksanain penyuluhan di suatu tempat, terserah dimana, berdasarkan masalah kesehatan di tempat itu. omg!
okeeee, pencarian tempat sama masalah kesehatannya udah selesai. walaupun pembimbing nyuruh kita nyelesaiinnya dalam 10 hari, kita malah makan waktu 2 minggu. keren. capek. banget.
done with that.
another problem now.. buat proposal. shit.damn..
temen temen ga ada yg peduli, gue kerjain sampe malem. oke selesai. walau jelek, ga masalah..
Dateng lagi masalah lain.. si pembimbing ga acc tema sama proposal kita! padahal sebelumnya dia yg nentuin tema itu aaaaaaaaaaa-njingbnr T^T
okelah, pasti aku lagi ini yg disuurh buat proposalnyaaaaa, iya gapapa, beneran deh gapapa 3-|
sekarang lagi nyoba buat proposal baru nih, doain aja selesai. iya, doain selesai, masalah diterima atau ga, nantilah :')
peace out.

Minggu, 10 November 2013

Seasons in my place~

Just like what the title talk about..
This is such an absurd weather in my place.. in my place.. (coldplay-in my place)
sometimes, it feels like really hot out here, dry and too much polution iyuuuhhh
but sometimes, rain fall every single time, can't stop. or just won't stop.. idk. (miley cyrus-we can't stop)
don't know exactly what really happen in this place actually. just so you know that i am feeling an absurd weather these days.. thankyou Indonesia. Gue Fitri, sampe jumpa! (ala comic)

Rabu, 30 Oktober 2013

Busy Week

Get sooooooooo freaky many much task in this whole week, and also the mid-exam x_x
God, help me to face this week clearly without missing something!
Give me the power puffgirl power, please?

Minggu, 27 Oktober 2013

Me need you.

I've been thinking about that. Since the first time I feel you. Until.. I don't know when.
I hope time and world will make us becomes one. I don't wanna lose you.
Me need you.

Sabtu, 26 Oktober 2013

Took some pict with my love ehehe it's just one of the pict that i love the most :)

Kamis, 24 Oktober 2013

Sometimes, things happen because they have to. Not for the good, but for the best. We happened. And must be for the best.

Rabu, 23 Oktober 2013

new things

blogggg! new template? so cute bloggg :3
do you like it or no? hahaha you're so transparant now muehehe
Long time no blogging, vist someone's blog, and.. you know :)
i miss you so damn till i can't breathe anymore!
boong ding :D
entahlah, gue lagi ga mood blogging karena... ga pantes diomongin ah. ntar dibilang lebay~
gue besok mau PKL blog, ke daerah OI, ga tau persisnya dimana. wish me luck ya..
padahal gue bukan murid yg pantes sih buat ngejalanin tugas berat inih, tapi yaudahlah, terima aja, gratis juga *eh
okay then, just so you know blog, you're still on my mind :)) i've sth to do, see ya!

Senin, 19 Agustus 2013

R: "There are no new posts on your blog. So boring!" 
Me: "Yeah I know."
R: "Why aren't you blogging?"
Me: "BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT HERE!!" How am I supposed to function without my other half? :'(

Minggu, 18 Agustus 2013

Baru bisa ngepost.. inipun lewat mobile :s pc gue ga kepake banget tau gak! Modemnya ga adaaaaaaa..
Simcard yang ada di modem malah dipake ke henpon inii, lumayanlah bisa ngeblog di satu genggaman tangan haha
Heyyyy, apa kabarnya sih bloggy? ;)
Habis lebaran nih, gue mau maap maapan dulu eeaaaahh~
Salah gak salah, pokoknya gue minta maaf ehehe
Ini sedikit rahasia ya..
Gue cuma ceritain ke bloggy aja.
Jadi, waktu kakak gue yg dari bangka kemaren kerumah selama ummm.. 10 hari mungkin..
Nah ceritanya gue disuruh ngasuh si dedek lucu yg namanya Nahira Asiqa Adila, panjang emang, panggil aja Ira :D
Pertama kali gue gendong sih dia anteng-anteng aja, lah terus gue bawa aja tuh keluar rumah.. pas dijalan, gue ga sengaja banget nyentuhin kepalanya ke dinding.. gue diem.. si Ira nangis sekenceng-kencengnya.. gue gak bilang kenapa dia nangis.. gue kasih Ira ke bapaknya.. gue duduk depan tv.. keringetan.
Okeee, untungnya dia baru 3 bulan, artinya dia gak bakal inget kenangan buruknya sama gue huftttt
Hari-hari berlalu, gue gak ngelakuin kesalahan lagii sampe.... suatu hari gue gendong dia ke teras depan rumah, duduk di pangkuan gue dan.. kepalanya kesenggel dagu gue yan lumayan keras. God!! 2 kali...
Dari pengalaman ini gue tau sesuatu, gue bukan aunty yang baik -___-
Gue gak tau apa yang salah dari gue, atau kenapa gue terlalu ceroboh, atau kenapa gue sering banget ngelakuin kesalahan.. and whateverrrr
Ini juga udah berakhir, kakak udah pulang ke bangka lagi. Dirumah udah sepi.. gue tinggal siap siap buat tahun depan aja pas disuruh ngasuh si Ira lagi muehehehe
Peace Out!

Selasa, 25 Juni 2013

Lama ga nulis, tangan udah kaku banget pegang keyboard leptop hahaha
oke gue lebay, makasih.
eh salah, maaf -___-
apa kabar bloggy sayang? udah dapet follower baru ya? kehilangan follower? atau dapet stalker baru? ihiiiyyyyy~ :3
dasar, lenjeh!
cuma mau kasih kabar, gue baik baik aja disini. bahagia....
dan lo tauuu, bentar lagi gue mau dinas di rumah sakit mata palembang. yaaaappp, wish me success! \^^/
salam kangen ya blogg, ntar gue post something lagi deh.
much love <3

Peace Out!

Selasa, 18 Juni 2013

Have you thought about me and the other, huh?
Come on, stop being soooooooo much ego!
You don't have to be like that. Don't hurt anyone heart.
Don't make your own mistake.
Don't say something you unlike when you did that too.
Stop wearing plastic wherever and whenever!

Sabtu, 08 Juni 2013

I do not know who I am, where I am going - and I am the one who has to decide the answers to these hideous questions.

Sylvia Plath

Kamis, 30 Mei 2013

So, that's the girl? The girl you always talks about.
Yes, she's beautiful. Sooooooo much more than me.
Thanks God about that. You must be very happy, right? :'D
Ah i can't talk too much~ 

Jumat, 24 Mei 2013

I have my serious headache!! I feel nothing but hurt!!
It hurts me soooooo much :'(
I need a cure, please?

Kamis, 23 Mei 2013

I don't know which fool reason that i'll choose to make sure that i'm not happy here and i'll get happier in someplace :)
Mom, Dad, sorry for just giving you this little happiness. Someday, i'll be better that this. Much better.

Selasa, 14 Mei 2013

Minggu, 12 Mei 2013

I told him about you! :) And yes, he really admires a man who is always superb in every word that I used on every story that i told him ..
and you know what? He wants to meet you one day.
But calm down, I've told him not to dream further.
"You will not see him. never. forever."
That's what I told to him ..

Why are you so hard to achieve? Very difficult to grasp? Very difficult to be found?
Don't you know I really miss you?
You could always make me laugh without load. You can make me believe in my dreams.
yeah, I always dreamed to go to the Venice, Italy. I never believe it until you came and made ​​me continue to dream as you and I together will make it happen ..
Is that easy for you to make me rely on the empty hope that you give after you leave me so easily?
"I'm going broke."
Easy to say right?
Then, what about all the promises you made?
Let it be brought lost of memory as I live my life?
You've already permanently engraved in my brain memory, how could all the promises gone?
Have you ever thought about it, my dear? : ')

Every time I see you in the social network, I always wondered, what would you do next? What are you working on now? Whether your life is better now? Without me ..

Now my life is getting better, you know? Now I've started to forget you little by little. Since he came into my life, as he trying to be like you. To replace you (maybe until now still) in my heart.
But unfortunately, no matter how hard he tries .. You know, he's not going to be like you. Yeah, like you who always looks cool and seemed to not care about in front of your friends. But in front of me? You behaved as very matter, to me, you never forget to pamper me, command all my wish, understand how I behave like a child .. understand all the jokes that I mean (even that sometimes he did too). listening to the same song with you is the thing that I liked the most when we are together. Don't you remember the reason you ever love me?

Why are you so different now, dear?
Why do you make me feel sick of you?
You know, I can't hate you. Until whenever.

I hate to admit it, but .. never mind .. I'll make a new carving in my brain someday. Of course, not in the same place. :)

Happy 18th Birthday, dear! ;)

Jumat, 10 Mei 2013

Don't know if could ever be without you cause boy you complete me. And in time I know that we'll both see.
That we're all we need.
A song from Auburn, Perfect Two ;)

Minggu, 28 April 2013

"Know the true value of time; snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it. No idleness, no laziness, no procrastination: never put off till tomorrow what you can do today." - Lord Chesterfield-

Jumat, 26 April 2013

Kaulah yang terhebat! :')

Selasa, 09 April 2013

Happy 36th Birthday, dear Gee!!

Yaaayyyy!! Happy 36th Birthday my everlasting husband, Gee <3 <3

That's from me <3 hope you can enjoy it, darlaaa.. I love you!!