Senin, 25 Februari 2013

Bloggy!!! SO happy to write in you again *kisshug*
Hey, gue lagi suka sukanya nonton x-factor indonesia hahahaaaaaaaa terserah lo mau bilang gue korban acara pencarian bakat gitu, whatever!! Imma freak of x-factor right now! XD
Gini yaa, yg mau gue ceritain disini adalaah.. tentang kontestan x-factor yg gue suka suka sukaaa banget..
Pertama kali gue nonton sih, gue langsung jatuh hati sama pelantun lagu Michael Buble-Home, iyaa siapa lagi kalo bukan si Agus Hafiluddin haha suaranya ituloh guys, mirip vokalisnya Aerosmith!! Gosh, i've melted when i heard his voice -_-v
Kedua kali gue nonton, gue suka banget banget banget bangeeeeeeeeeeettttttt sama suaranya si cowo ganteng umur 15 tahun yg udah kuliah di SSR Jakartaa, iyaa Mikha Angelo.. Anjirrrr banget waktu gue denger dia nyanyi lagunya Michael Buble-Lost, suaranyaaa lembut banget. Cinta deh <3 XD
Oh well, that's why until now, i always listen on Home and Lost song -___- imma freak of that song!!
If my phone could talk like human, i know it will be so fuckin boring on playing that song haha thank God, my phone couldn't talk like me ;)
It's not the only reason why i can't stop playing that song all the day actually.. It's also because the lyrics are sooooooooooo, yeah you know.. just listen on that song directly~

Eeeehhh udah mau magrib nih brooo, udahan yaaa ;3 see yaa!!

Sabtu, 23 Februari 2013

Dear You, My love for you is real. More real than anything real in life. More deep and intense than any romantic movie you have ever watched. You live inside my body, my soul. You own not just a piece of my heart. My heart is yours. And I miss you so much..