Selasa, 25 Juni 2013

Lama ga nulis, tangan udah kaku banget pegang keyboard leptop hahaha
oke gue lebay, makasih.
eh salah, maaf -___-
apa kabar bloggy sayang? udah dapet follower baru ya? kehilangan follower? atau dapet stalker baru? ihiiiyyyyy~ :3
dasar, lenjeh!
cuma mau kasih kabar, gue baik baik aja disini. bahagia....
dan lo tauuu, bentar lagi gue mau dinas di rumah sakit mata palembang. yaaaappp, wish me success! \^^/
salam kangen ya blogg, ntar gue post something lagi deh.
much love <3

Peace Out!

Selasa, 18 Juni 2013

Have you thought about me and the other, huh?
Come on, stop being soooooooo much ego!
You don't have to be like that. Don't hurt anyone heart.
Don't make your own mistake.
Don't say something you unlike when you did that too.
Stop wearing plastic wherever and whenever!

Sabtu, 08 Juni 2013

I do not know who I am, where I am going - and I am the one who has to decide the answers to these hideous questions.

Sylvia Plath