Kamis, 27 Februari 2014

I hate this kind of feeling, like seriously

All of my wish-list.. I have to dump it all away. Forget it all away. Leave it all alone.
Minggu gue berangkat ke Bangka. Wish nomor satu gue yg isinya: "wish-list urutan kedua sampe terakhir bakal gue dapetin tepat di tanggal 2 maret", it all just a wish, only hope. Yep, no more.
Aaaaaaaa how poor I am :(
But look what's better than that? Daddy ask me to have a holiday in Bangka. We're gonna start in on Sunday. On ma birthday. Should I feel happy or sad? This is so confusing me :(
We'll gonna see what will happen in 2nd of March, 2014. Will it be happier or worst. Who knows?

Then why do I looks like this excited on my 19th birthday?! Hell this feeling. Hell.

1 komentar:

  1. This is the answer of your last question, pit. The only reason that make you this excited on your 19th birthday is... This is the first birthday in your life that you have a boyfriend. Just that.
    Enjoy it, pit. Don't take problem too serious. It will driving you even more insane.
